Citation - Massachusetts Spy-Boston: 1775.01.05

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Index Entry Ballad [t] [beg] In George the second's golden days 
Location Boston 
5 Jan 1775:41 (2/205)
The following parody of the ballad of the Vicar of Bray . .
. [5 lines introduction, signed] A. Camtae.
  In George the second's golden days,
  When mod'rate men look'd big Sir;
  My country's rights I did maintain,
  (Of course I was a Whig Sir;)
  And so preferment I procur'd
  By our true faith's defender,
  And always ev'ry day abjur'd
  The Pope and the Pretender
     And this the law I will maintain
     Until my dying day Sir,
     And whatsoever King shall reign
     I will receive my pay Sir.
  . . . [3 more verses]

Generic Title Massachusetts Spy-Boston 
Date 1775.01.05 
Publisher Thomas, I. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0021653
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